lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

THinGS Are gonnA HappEN NAturally...

Right now I am supposed to be reading instead of writting. I guess I just can't concentrate on my book, at least now. As a matter of fact, the lecture is really boring. I have to deal with those almost every month, and I don't know how come but I do it. Well the motive of my distraction is not only facebook and msn, it is you. And the worst of all this: I don't know if you are thinking or at least feeling a little bit what I feel. Never understood what kind of relationship we had or have, I have no idea if we are just really good friends or we have something more... maybe we are not even close.
The only thing that I know is that every time I notice you are sad or worried about something, I try to reach you in any possible way. In those crucial momments for you I would catch a plain, train or bus just to give you a hug and let you know everything will be fine. I would even run... I don't care how many miles. And I BET you haven't noticed that, because I don't make it obvious AND I THINK I NEVER WILL. But I am tired of this situation, and today I tried to reach you, and give you some good news. I never told you the news. You didn't answer the way I thought you would. As you say: When things aren't the way we thought they were... We just can't do nothing I guess. And if something is meant to happen between us it will happen naturally. Cause I am not willing to do anymore. And deep inside me I wish you miss me the way I do right now, deep inside me I want you to care about me the way I do. And I am trying to understand what the fuck is happening to me, why I just can't be mad at you for a long time so that I can forget what we had. But I can't... tonight I' m letting you go away from me... and if something is meant to be between you and me... It will happen naturally

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

El chico del apartamento 703

En la laptop suena: "te regalo amores dentro de tu vientre, pinto de colores, dame lo que sientes...". Entro a mi cuarto bailando como loooca! muevo la cabeza, mis brazos se dejan llevar por la música, me doy vueltas y canto como puedo. De pronto siento que alguien me está mirando, volteo y veo la persiana abierta, de paso la ventana a medio abrir y un chico muy simpático en la ventana de en frente. Se está riendooo... que roche... Me quedo con cara de cojuda y empiezo a darme cuenta de que estoy en pijama, no me he bañado y estoy recontra despeinada... me tiro a mi cama y empiezo a reír como loca. Lo bueno es que me sacó una sonrisa. Ahora debo aprender a cerrar mi persiana, había olvidado esto de tener vecinos tan cerca. El año pasado tuve una anécdota parecida solo que esa vez estaba en toalla. Pero prefiero no contarla. =)